TravelOnly - Travel Styles (Landing Pages)

A “Travel Style Landing Page” on your site is a page that describe a service that you offer to a particular travel audience.

TravelOnly Template, has a group of Landing Pages that were created by default. They are showing in the home-page inside a slider "Travel Styles" section.

Click on one of the verticals and you will see a "Travel Style Landing Page". Also, you can access through the top menu too. The following image shows you the structure of a Landing Page Ex:

As described in the image above for a "Landing Page" you will need a "Title" (Use a short Title, be specific), a "Content" (Brief description of your service), and a Nice Picture (Find a nice picture to sell the service, best image size is 1500px x 900px, but you should be ok if at least has 1200px width landscape).

The following sections are about the related content: suppliers, products, testimonials and blogs. All of them with the same Landing Page last-tag. For Example, if the Landing Page last-tag is "cruise" will show all related content with tag "cruise". For that reason, the last-tag of the Landing Page must be unique.

All Default Landing Pages were created from the Main CMS, you can find the list here: They are very easy to detect, they are the ones with first-tag "specialty"

The rest of the landing Pages are the suppliers and we explain them in another post.

Last updated 1 year ago