Understanding Analytics

The following steps will show you how to access Analytics and what information the graphs and tables provide

From the top menu, click on "Marketing" and then on "Analytics".

On the Analytics page, the graph and table that will be shown is for "Landing Pages". The graph shows the page views of the Landing Pages. The graph will show the page views of the last 7 days. If you would like to see more than the last 7 days or less. Just click on the drop down arrow and select the time frame you would like to see.

The numbers on the left of the graph, represent the amount of views that page received and the Yellow line in the graph represent the page views.

The table below the graph shows the specific Landing Pages and the statistics for that Page.

The first statistic is the Pageviews. It shows the total amount of pageviews for the Landing Page. It includes the views by repeated visitors. So if only one person viewed that page 40 times, including refreshing the page, it would show 40 total page views. Whereas the next statistic, Unique pageviews, will show the pageviews by each person for a specific time period.

So referring to the above example, if that one person viewed the page forty times in a time period of 1 hour, then the unique views would show only 1 where as the pageviews would show 40. If that person viewed the page 20 times in hour, then another 20 times in another hour, the unique views would be 2.

Bounce Rate is the percentage of unique pageviews to total pageviews, i.e., unique pageviews / total pageviews. It represents the amount of pageviews that were only done once in a specific time period. So if the page views were 100 and in that time period, 75 of those pageviews were unique, i.e., were from different persons, the bounce rate would be 75%.

Unique sources refer to the origin of the pageviews. It could be a search engine, for example "google.com" or a domain or website such as "mydomain.com". Each source is only counted once within a time period.

On the left hand side of the page, there are the other statistics that you can preview. The other options are "Leads", "Pageviews", "Landing Pages" and "Traffic Sources".

"Landing Pages" is the default analytics that was explained above. In Leads, the graph operates the same as on the Landing Pages and all other pages under Analytics. The drop down menu will allow you to select the time frame you would like to view. The table under "Leads", provides you with the Date the lead was created, the customer that created it and the description of the lead.

"Pageviews" includes the graph and drop down menu that allows you to view different time frames as well as a table that shows the date of the pageviews, the total pageviews, the unique pageviews and the unique visitors. Unique Visitors are visitors who have never visited your site.

"Traffic Sources" include the graph and drop down menu as well as a table that shows the Traffic Sources, Pageviews, Unique Pageviews and Bounce Rate. Traffic sources shows the different sources that send traffic/visitors to your site. For example, google.com or travelagencytribes.com.

Last updated 11 months ago