Under the contact page is the agency contact info: physical address, phone contact, email contact, fax and also you will be able to show a map or any other additional information. Here is how to do it.
The following image is from the contact section. The red texts are the additional content.
Add the map
Before you start, be sure you created your map from google map and you have ready the code to copy and paste it.
From the agency design section create a new page, type "Partial" let's use Title: Office Map (use any title) click on "Next Step".
In the following page you will be ready to paste the code in there but you must update the permalink generated by the system to: "_office_map" is the only way will show on that section.
After you save the map will show.
Additional Contact Information
Just bellow the contact info is where you will be able to add more information ex: Office Hours. The steps are very similar to adding the map but the content is different.
From the agency design section create a new page, type "Partial" let's use Title: Additional Contact (use any title) click on "Next Step".
In the following page you will be ready to add the new info there but you must update the permalink generated by the system to: "_office_contact". Use HTML code inside the content area, ex:
Note: the code is just an example, you will able to add anything you want here. Just be simple and consistent with the layout.
After you save the contact information will show.
Now you will ask, what about when multiples agencies? The answer is simple, the steps are the same, but you will need to add a number at the end of the permalink depend of the order of the agencies. ex: "_office_map1", "office_map2"... or "office_contact1", "office_contact2"...
And you are done. Happy coding :)