DDW - Adding link to main website

At this point you must have your DDW website ready and live. Be sure you pointed your new DDW website to the final domain, the final domain must not contain "gttwl2.com".

The final step is adding the link to the main website. Is pretty simple but have some steps:

1- Unpublish the 4 Wedding Landing Pages that are on the main website:

Previews Wedding Landing Pages

From the CMS (US - https://travelsavers.gttcms.com/, CA - https://travelsavers2.gttcms.com/) go to the "Landing Pages" section and search for "main_wedding", you will see the four Landing Pages that you need to unpublish:

Landing Pages To UnpublishJust click on the cart icon of each and after all four are added to the cart click on the cart icon at the top of the page to unselect the agency from where you want to unpublish them.

2- From Agency Admin create a new Landing Page

Go to the Agency admin and create a new Landing Page with title "Destictive Destination Weddings" or if you want to call just "Wedding" is good too. There are two important steps only tags and external link: first-tag: "specialty", last-tag: "ddw" and external-link: newddw-domain

Tags and external link

Note: The example above is a test remember the URL should not contain the gttwl2.com domain.

3- You are done :)

Last updated 11 months ago