Admin Settings - Travelsavers

Note: Just for admin users

For Travelsavers Templates, we are using "Settings" that allow you add some specific content that is custom for each travel agency. Here is the list of available settings:

Custom Accounts

Only Agencies with Custom Accounts, contact travelsavers admin for info
Setting nameValue
cruise_expressCruise Express URL ( Example Page)
rssfeedsRSS Feeds URL ( Example Page)
tapQuote Service ( Example Page)
contest_emailGiveaways Contest (Just for US websites)
softvoyage_aliasBooking Engine (Just for CA websites)
custom_fields_offerAdd the following content: “svgroup:SV Group Code:text” (only for CA websites)
sync_productsTo add suppliers API products, use supplier source separate by commas ex: gadventures, collette-usa, globus, .....
remove_productsTo remove API products from specific supplier, use supplier source separate by commas ex: gadventures, collette-usa, globus, .....

Adding code to the template

Setting nameValor
google_analyticsGoogle Analytics Code
custom_head_htmlWill appear just before </head> tag close
custom_footer_htmlWill appear just before </body> tag close
faviconfavicon.ico URL
required_phoneMake Phone a Required Field on Lead Forms ( Help)
facebook_pixelFacebook Pixel Code
email_supportupdate support email

Adding links to the template

Setting nameValor
footer_linksHTML code for footer link or links ( Help)
new_menuHTML code for top menu link or links ( Help)
right_topmenuHTML code for right top menu link or links
tico_idAdding TICO Number on the footer
ad_promotionAdding Ad banner under promotion section
affluentAffluent link ex:
event365Link for Event 365
manulifeManulife Link
insuranceInsurance External Link
besttriptvactive besttriptv feature, just add a value ex: yes
jbcJuno Beach Centre microsite URL

Agency Social Links (Help: Add footer social links)

Setting nameValor
facebookFacebook Page URL
twitterTwitter Page URL
linkedinLinkedin Page URL
googleGoogle Plus Page URL
instagramInstagram Page URL
pinterestPinterest Page URL

Use the following settings if the individual post is not showing the proper layout

Setting nameValor
Last updated 1 year ago